On the 29th, I flew to Bozeman, MT to visit my friends, Sarah and Tom; Fosters picked me up and we headed to their place for an afternoon of conversation. Had a great four days which included pint night at Mackenzie River, full day of shopping downtown and mall with lunch at Ted’s Steakhouse with Sarah, dinner and breakfast meals at Foster B&B, day trip to Big Sky ski area filled with reminiscing, shopping at Murdock’s Farm store, watching Santa wave his magic wand to turn on the Christmas lights during Bozeman’s annual downtown Christmas Stroll, skyping with friends in California, and relaxing in the sun room or living room while reading, updating, or conversing.
Due to high winds at the airport, I had to stay an additional night because my original outbound flight was cancelled. Fosters got up quite early to take me to the airport because of 6:00 AM departure time. All went well until we pulled onto the tarmac where we waited for over 1.5 hours because Denver had closed the airport due to high winds. But was we were granted permission to take off, everything went well on my flight home. It was a wonderful trip filled with “going down memory lane”and bonding with my fantastic friends!