“Scandinavian Tapestry” Tour Part 4: Copenhagen and Skagen, Denmark

August 18 and 19:  We arrived at Copenhagen at approximately 9:00 AM on the 18th.  Ginni and I had signed up for “Wonderful Copenhagen” tour which gave us a great overview of the city.  Copenhagen is one of the oldest kingdoms in the world and dates back to the first Danish monarch, King “Gorm the Old” who established his reign in the 10th century.  The first sight we were shown was the Little Mermaid, the bronze statue of one of Hans Christian Anderson’s storybook characters, which has graced the spot since 1913.

Along the waterfront of Copenhagen

Along the waterfront of Copenhagen

Little Mermaid

Little Mermaid








On our way to the Royal Amalienborg Palace, we saw the inner city’s Old Quarter.    Once we arrived at the palace, the guide gave us a brief history of its origin;  it is the winter home of the Danish royal family.   It consists of four identical palace façades with rococo interiors around an octagonal courtyard and in the center of the square is a monumental statue of Amalienborg’s founder, King Frederick V.   We finished up the tour by passing by Tivoli Gardens, Glyptotek Art Museum, City Hall, and the Stock Exchange.

Building in Old Quarter

Building in Old Quarter

Palace view from the waterfront.

Palace view from the waterfront.

View of the palace and courtyard

View of the palace and courtyard








After lunch on board the ship, I read for the rest of the afternoon.  At 4:00, we met up with Anne,  a friend of Ginni’s who resides in Stockholm.  Anne took us on a canal boat tour where we saw many sights; the Theatre for Performing Arts, Stock Exchange with entwining dragon tails, sand sculptures and Stockholm’s Opera House.

View of Copenhagen's waterfront from the boat

View of Copenhagen’s waterfront from the boat

Theatre of Performing Arts

Theatre of Performing Arts

Sand sculptures

Sand sculptures


Stock Exchange with entwining dragon tails

Stock Exchange with entwining dragon tails

Once the boat tour was completed, Anne walked us through a major shopping district on our way to Tivoli Gardens.  The gardens, which opened in 1843, is a mixture of exotic architecture, beautiful gardens and scenery, theatres, open air stages, restaurants, shops, and 26 rides ranging from ones that twist and spin to very gentle ones.  This amusement park is the third largest attraction of its kind in Europe.

Anne, Ginni, and I having dinner at restaurant in Tivoli Gardens

Anne, Ginni, and I having dinner at restaurant in Tivoli Gardens

Inside Tivoli Gardens

Inside Tivoli Gardens

Entrance to Tivoli Garden

Entrance to Tivoli Garden

We wandered in some of the shops and I found a Christmas present for granddaughter, Savanna.  While in one of the stores, we came across a couple from the Wind Surf who told us there were two buses of people from the ship and the buses would return to the ship at 9:45 PM.  We were able to locate one of the Wind Surf’s crew members who was agreeable to our “hitching” a ride back with them.  We had a night cap in the Compass Rose where the duo was performing a vast variety of music which we both enjoyed.  Went to bed with thought of getting some rest for another day in Copenhagen tomorrow.

August 19:  After breakfast, we took the shuttle provided by the Wind Surf into Copenhagen in search of the Stroget shopping area.  When we got off the shuttle, we made sure to write down the street we were on so location of the shuttle for the return to the Wind Surf would not be a problem later in the day.  After taking a few wrong turns, we were able to find the major pedestrian walkway to all the shops.  What fun it was with my finding more Christmas presents!!  We had lunch at a restaurant wedged between two 18th century buildings; it was a nice day so it felt good to eat out in the open air but the service was quite poor because of 4 employees calling in sick.

Along Stroget shopping area

Along Stroget shopping area

After lunch, we made our way back to the shuttle and returned to the Wind Surf.  Later in the afternoon, I teamed with three other passengers for Team Trivia in the Compass Rose; we did not do very good but it was still fun.  The Wind Surf set sail around 5:00; with music playing, it is always invigorating pulling away from a port.  Maureen and Rowy were in the Compass Rose having champagne provided by Windstar for signing up for another trip and they asked Ginni/myself to join them; we had dinner with them.  Tomorrow we will dock at Skagen, Denmark.

August 20:  This morning we docked at Skagen, the northernmost town of Denmark.  It was a very picturesque area with low, yellow houses whose roofs were red tile.  Port of Skagen is the largest fishing port in Denmark and a very popular yachting port attracting around 16,000 yachts and leisure boats every year.  Ginni and I went on the “City Tour of Skagen” in which we visited Denmark’s most northerly point, Grenen, where the Baltic and North Seas meet.  In order to get to the spit where we could view the point of meeting, we had to board a tractor trolley which drove us through the sand.  While on the spit, we were able to see many of Skagen’s collection of lighthouses dating from 1627 to still active one built in 1858.

The spit where the North Sea, to my left, meets the Baltic, to my right

A tractor trolley waiting to take us to the spit

A tractor trolley waiting to take us to the spit









World War II bunkers

World War II bunkers

Lighthouse with Wind Surf in background

Lighthouse with Wind Surf in background








Upon leaving the spit, we journeyed to Skagens Art Museum.  Between 1830 and 1930 a group of artists were drawn to Skagen for the very special light found only in its part of the country.  These artists produced some of the finest works of Danish golden age paintings, most of which were on display in the museum.   PS Kroyer,  one of the best known, beloved, and undeniably the most colorful of the Skagen Painters,  works were prominently displayed along with his wife’s, Marie.   We then were shown one end of Skagen to the other, with the guide providing details of what we were seeing along the way.

View of one part of Skagen

View of one part of Skagen

Church in Skagen

Church in Skagen









At the completion of the tour, Ginni and I decided to stay in Skagen for lunch and shopping.  We had lunch @ Casa Blanca Cafe; each of us ordered one of the local beers and we sat outside because it was a very nice, sunny day.  We wandered the streets of Skagen and found that the shops had quality merchandise at a high price.  What a delightful day we had in Skagen; it was a very good tour with an excellent guide and the exploration of the town was made easy by friendly local citizens.  The ship departed Skagen around 4:00 PM and we were underway for Oslo, Norway.  Ginni and I were invited to join the captain for dinner which we did along with 6 other women; as usual, the food and service was excellent but it was a long couple hours of forced conversation.  Before going to my cabin, I decided to take a walk on the deck and saw the below sight.

Full moon reflecting on the water

Full moon reflecting on the water





“Scandinavian Tapestry” Tour Part 3: At Sea and Warnemunde, Germany

August 16:   Today we sailed the Baltic Sea and would not dock until tomorrow at 7:00 AM.  It was great to sleep in without worrying about being in the departure lounge in time for a particular tour.  The morning went quite quickly with my walking around the outside decks in order to get some steps; I believe 7 times around on the Wind Surf equals one mile.    I did break down and purchased the internet connection which made me feel better about being able to  contact people back home.   After a late lunch, I spent the afternoon at the Compass Rose  reading, sending emails,  watching the kitchen crew carve flowers from vegetables and make animals from dough, and listening to a very spirited Team Trivia competition among the passengers.   In the evening, Ginni and I went to the Captain’s reception given to those who were repeat customers of WindStar (of the 290 passengers on board, 150 were repeat customers).   We had dinner with two gals from North Carolina, Maureen and Rowy,  who have been traveling together for quite a few years.  After connecting to the internet and getting a night cap, it was after 11:00 and time for bed.

August 17:  This morning we docked at Warnemunde, Germany best known as the jumping-off points for Berlin, which is three to five hours away by train.  Still an operational fishing port, Warnemunde is a seaside resort with vast dunes and stretches of sand on either side of the Warnow River.  Many of the passengers signed up for the bus tour to Berlin but, because we did not want to ride 6 hours in a bus and only spend 5 or 6 hours in Berlin, Ginni and I signed up for the tour of an amber factory established in Ribnitz-Damgarten and a hunting lodge located in Gelbensande.   After a narrated tour of the amber factory, each of us was given the opportunity to select a piece of amber  which we  ground down, polished, and made into a necklace that we were able to bring home.

Amber tree at the entrance of the factory

Amber tree at the entrance of the factory

Outside of the amber factory

Outside of the amber factory








Next on the tour was the Gelbensande Hunting Castle  erected between 1880 and 1885 as a summer residence for Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III of Mecklenburg-Schwerin.  After 1887, it was used as a base for hunting in the surrounding forest, the Rostock Heath. Because of the duke’s marriage to one of the Russian Tsar‘s granddaughters, the Mecklenburg-Russian relationships can still be seen inside the castle today. The hunting castle remained in the Grand Duke’s use until 1944. It was subsequently used as an army hospital, a sanatorium for tuberculosis, public library, veteran’s club and a sort of hostel for construction workers; since 1989/1990, it is owned by the town of Gelbensande and open to the public as a museum.

Another room in the hunting lodge

Another room in the hunting lodge

One of the rooms in the hunting castle

One of the rooms in the hunting castle

Outside the entrance to hunting castle

Outside the entrance to hunting castle


It was after 1:30 when we returned to the ship and I had planned on going back into Warnemunde to shop.  However, there were two LARGE cruise ships that had pulled into dock and the streets/stores were packed so I decided to stay on board and spend the rest of the afternoon reading.   In the early evening, I went to the lounge to watch a German Folkloric group perform; they played typical German music and danced.    After the performance, I listened to the tour manager give a talk about our next stop which will be Copenhagen.  This was the night for the BBQ Dinner on the decks; we ate under the stars and watched as the crew line danced the night away.  It was a great amount of fun!



“Scandinavian Tapestry” Part 2: Sandhamn and Visby, Sweden

August 14:  Got up early this morning so was able to watch the ship pull away from the dock at Stockholm at 8:00 AM.  Our destination for the day was Sandhamn, Sweden which is a resort island where sailors and yachters meet.  All shops, restaurants and tourist information are located in one centralized area; there are no cars allowed on the island.  The area is very clean (the Swedish take clean environment very seriously), and the people quite friendly.

Front of a home at Sandhamn

Front of a home at Sandhamn

The waterfront at Sandhamn

The waterfront at Sandhamn

Heading to Sandhamn

Heading to Sandhamn







While we were on the island, a storm came upon us with lightning and thunder; looking at one of the above pictures, you can see the dark clouds in the distance.

Another view of Sandhamn

Another view of Sandhamn

There was not much to see in Sandhamn but I enjoyed walking the narrow paths and looking at the various home fronts.  The Wind Surf set sail for Visby, Sweden at 6:00 PM so all were on board by 5:30.  That evening we attended the Captain’s Cocktail Reception and had dinner with a couple from Australia, Ray and Vicki.  Was very tired this evening so went to the cabin around 9:30.  Tomorrow  I will be going on my first Windstar tour of this trip called “City Sightseeing in Visby”.

August 15:  After breakfast, the group going on the sightseeing tour of Visby gathered.  The tour began with a drive up to Hogklint, a steep cliff south of Visby, for a spectacular view of the Baltic Sea and the walled city of Visby.  The guide explained that the cliff has been called the Elderly Steep because throwing off the cliff was Vikings way of getting rid of the elderly.

A view of Visby from the cliff

A view of Visby from the cliff

View of the Baltic Sea from the cliff

View of the Baltic Sea from the cliff

I'm standing by the edge of the cliff

I’m standing by the edge of the cliff

Upon leaving the cliff, we proceeded to the Visby Ring Wall which was constructed in the 13th century and is now a World Heritage site; it is the best-preserved city wall in Northern Europe and surrounds many ancient stone churches and houses.  On our way to the wall area, we walked through the botanical gardens which is considered one of the best in Sweden.

Close up picture of the wall area

Close up picture of the wall area

Beautiful garden area with wall in the background

Beautiful garden area with wall in the background








A house along a narrow street in Old Town Visby

A house along a narrow street in Old Town Visby


Narrow streets of Visby

Narrow streets of Visby


Looking over the roof tops @ Visby  with Wind Surf in the distance

Looking over the roof tops @ Visby with Wind Surf in the distance


We returned to the ship after the tour and had lunch.  Today is the one year anniversary of Tom’s death so I had a chocolate fudge ice cream sundae with peanuts in his honor.  After spending the afternoon reading and visiting with other guests, Ginni and I had dinner with a couple from Canada Sharon and Richard.  After dinner, we got a drink in the Compass Rose Bar where there was a talented jazz duo playing/singing.  I ended the evening by raising my wine glass and giving a silent toast in Tom’s memory.  Tomorrow we will be at sea without any stops on land.






Off on a “Scandinavian Tapestry” Tour: Part 1 (Stockholm)

August 10 thru 11:   I left Cedar Rapids on a flight to Stockholm, Sweden where I met up with a friend out of St. Louis, Ginni.  We were spending a couple days in Stockholm before boarding Wind Surf, one of three sailing ships owned by Windstar Cruises.  We had signed up for the “Scandinavian Tapestry” trip and would board the ship on the afternoon of the 13th.  Upon arrival, I was met by a Windstar representative who assisted in getting my luggage loaded into a taxi and directed the driver to take me to the Scandic Anglais Hotel.  Ginni was waiting at the hotel and, after I settled into the room, we ventured outside and started walking toward the water front.  Our objective was to acquire a 24 hour Hop On – Hop Off  tour voucher for both land and water.  Upon purchasing the voucher, we got on the Hop On – Hop Off boat for a tour around Stockholm via water.   We did not get off the boat but rode through all eight stops which consisted of Nybroplan, a shopping district with many restaurants; Vasa Museum, the world’s only surviving 17th century ship; Skeppsholmen, the island home of the Modern Art Museum and the Swedish Museum of Architecture; Tivoli Grona Lund which houses an amusement park with the world’s biggest Zac-Spin coaster along with Skansen, an open air museum depicting a miniture Sweden with historical quarters; Cruise Berth which is the port for cruise ships; Fortografiska which is a museum that presents exhibitions by famous photographers; Old Town which is the original heart of Stockholm; Royal Palace which is the Swedish Royal family’s official residence.

Tivoli Grona Lund, the amusement park

Tivoli Grona Lund, the amusement park

Ginni ready for the hop on - hop off boat tour

Ginni ready for the hop on – hop off boat tour

Photographers museum

Photographers museum


Once we rode all the stops made by the boat, we made our way back to the hotel.    We got a
recommendation from the hotel staff to eat dinner at Sturehof, a restaurant with Swedish dishes.  The food was okay but the noise level was quite disruptive.  After a nightcap in the hotel bar, Ginni and I retired to our room in hopes of getting a good night sleep so we would be ready for the next day’s adventure.

A street in Stockholm

A street in Stockholm

August 12:  We really had a great night’s sleep with neither of us waking up until 10:00 AM which meant we missed breakfast that was included in the room charge.  An employee of the hotel directed us to a nearby coffee shop where we got coffee along with some fruit and granola.  The bus stop for the Hop On – Hop Off was right down from our hotel so it was easy to find.  Our first point of departure from the bus was at City Hall, the home of the Nobel Prize dinner, where we purchased a ticket for a tour.  The City Hall was built 1911-23 and is the center of Stockholm’s local government; the Blue Hall is the venue for the annual Nobel Prize Banquet and its walls are constructed from handmade red bricks which the architect determined was too beautiful to paint blue.  The Golden Hall, with 19 million pieces of gold leaf and glass, depicts Stockholm as a bridge between East and West.

Backside of city hall

Backside of city hall

Exterior of city hall

Exterior of city hall

An inside room at City Hall

An inside room at City Hall


After City Hall, we took the bus to the Vasa Museum which houses a massive warship built in 1628 that sank on its maiden voyage before it left the harbor; it has been recovered and restored.  Sadly, there were 4 or 5 large groups of people wanting in at the same time so we decided not to wait in the LONG lines.  By the time we found a place and ate lunch, it was late afternoon and time to get the bus back to the hotel.  That evening we went to a delightful,  small Swedish restaurant called Nalen where the atmosphere was quiet and the food delicious.

Ginni and I relaxing at Nalen's

Ginni and I relaxing at Nalen’s

August 13:  Today we are to board the ship so, after breakfast, we put our luggage in the hallway for Windstar to pick up and transport to the ship.   After checking out of our hotel, we decided to walk to Skansen (an open air museum founded in 1891) where buildings and farmsteads from all over Sweden create 75 acres of living history in the heart of Stockholm.   However, we were very disappointed; it seemed to be more of a “tourist trap” which caters to families with young children.  We decided to take the ferry to Gamla Stan (or Old Town) which is where Stockholm was founded in 1252; of particular interest to us was the Royal Palace, Stockholm Cathedral, and Old Town.

Wind Surf waiting for its passengers to arrive

Wind Surf waiting for its passengers to arrive

One of many views of Stockholm from the ferry

One of many views of Stockholm from the ferry








As we got off the ferry, we saw a restaurant alongside the Wind Surf (the ship we will be traveling on) so we had our lunch and then boarded the ship.  Once all necessary paperwork was filled out, we went to our cabin to deposit some packages and make sure our luggage had been delivered.   All was okay so we headed out to explore Gamla Stan using the self-guided walk provided by Rick Steves who we were pleased to have met before boarding the ship.   Gamla Stan (or Old Town) was where all of Stockholm fit until the 1600’s.

Royal Palace at Gamla Stan

Royal Palace at Gamla Stan

Stockholm Cathedral

Stockholm Cathedral


City square in Old Towm

City square in Old Towm








We boarded the ship and changed for dinner.  The crew was introduced in the lounge so we went there for drinks and appetizers; a couple from Manhatten joined us.   After dinner, we listened to a group perform in the lounge but they were not the best so hope the entertainment in the other bar area will be better but will not find out tonight since it is time to turn in.  Tomorrow the ship will depart for Sandhamn, Sweden.

I’m Off to See New Grandbaby!

On Tuesday, July 23, I flew out of Cedar Rapids heading to Tucson, AZ where I was anxious to meet my new granddaughter, Savanna.

Baby Savanna

Baby Savanna

This was a short trip with my returning home on July 27th so that gave me three full days to get acquainted with Savanna, explore Greta’s and Steev’s new home, and meet Jemma who is their new 8-month old dog.  Steev had a video shoot from Thursday through Sunday so time with him was limited.

Grandma Jan with Savanna

Grandma Jan with Savanna

On Wednesday I was able to spend the day with Steev and Savanna while Greta worked; we went to REI for a hat purchase, drove to a hiking trail but decided not to venture out on it because Savanna was sound asleep, and treated ourselves to Italian ice cream at Frost Gelato.  That evening Greta made us a delicious pizza.

Savanna likes Papa's shoulder

Savanna likes Papa’s shoulder

Papa feeding Savanna

Papa feeding Savanna







Greta, Savanna, and I went on a picnic to Sabino Canyon on Thursday; we had talked of driving up Mt. Lemon but it looked very stormy on the mountain so we stayed in the valley.  The afternoon was spent reading and taking a nap.  That evening we went for Mexican food at La Indita’s and explored Antigone Books; both of these places are located on the tree-lined historic shopping district called 4th Avenue.

Mama with sleeping Savanna

Mama with sleeping Savanna

Before I knew it, my last full day in Tucson had arrived.  Greta, Savanna, and I went shopping for a rug to be placed in Savanna’s room plus a few “let Grandma Jan spoil her” items.  Allan, my youngest stepson, had been in Phoenix on business for the week so he rented a car and drove to Tucson to spend the next three days with Steev and his family.  He arrived around 5:00 or so; once Steev got home, we went to Bai Thong Restaurant for dinner.

Uncle Allan making funny faces!

Uncle Allan making funny faces!

Uncle Allan with Savanna

Uncle Allan with Savanna







When I awoke on Saturday, there was a message from American Airlines stating my 9:00 AM flight had been “delayed” so they put me on another flight leaving at 1:30 in the afternoon.  Before saying good bye to Greta (who had to work) and Savanna, we took time to take some family pictures.

Josie approves of Savanna

Josie approves of Savanna

Steev, Greta, Savanna, Josie, and Jemma

Steev, Greta, Savanna, Josie, and Jemma







Myself with the boys and Savanna

Myself with the boys and Savanna


The boys and I went to breakfast after the picture taking session.   Steev had to work so Allan and I took my rental car back to the airport.  We then toured San Xavier del Bac Mission.  Allan dropped me off at the airport and I made it into Cedar Rapids around 9:30 with no major problem.  It was good to see my friends, Mary and Joe, waiting to take me home.

Sunset from the plane

Sunset from the plane

San Xavier del Bac

San Xavier del Bac







It was a great trip filled with fun and laughter; I so enjoyed spending time with Savanna.  The only sadness about the trip was Tom not being alive to meet his granddaughter for the first time or being able to see how happy Greta and Steev are having a daughter.

Heading to California!

On April 30th, I headed for an adventure in California which included a gathering of friends for three nights at Westport, CA.; then a journey to Folsom, CA. and Yosemite National Park.

May 1:  I met up with the Fosters at the Oakland airport on May 1 and, after getting rental car, we headed toward Westport.  We stopped at Russian River Brewing Co. in Santa Rosa for some libations.  Met up with the Nelsons at North Coast Brewing Co. in Fort Bragg for dinner.  After checking into the Howard Creek B&B, we proceeded to the Knapps  for a few delightful hours of conversation.


Oh what a pretty parrot

Oh what a pretty parrot


May 2:  After exploring the B&B area and breakfast, we went to Knapps where they gave us an excellent tour of their house and gardens.  Then we decided to visit Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens located at Fort Bragg on 47 acres.  Along with seeing wonderful displays, we enjoyed a great walk on a beautiful day.

Beautiful landscape at the gardens

Beautiful landscape at the gardens


There is something in there

There is something in there








We had lunch at Silver’s at the Wharf in Ft. Bragg.  We then headed to displays of furniture made by the students of the College of Redwoods Fine Woodmaking, a nine month program of cabinetry and furniture making located in Ft. Bragg.  I wasn’t real sure if it would be interesting but I found the furniture displayed of very fine quality and enthusiasm of the students great of see/hear.  The evening was highlighted watching the sunset from the Knapps yard.

Sunset at the Knapps

Sunset at the Knapps

May 3:  This morning we decided to split up with Bill, Tom, Larry, and Mary going to the redwoods while Sarah, Barb, and I shopped.  Our first stop was  at the gift shop which Barb manages at the hospital.  And then we hit the shops of Ft. Bragg.  The “Redwood” party met up with us for lunch at Laurel Deli and Dessert.  The men went back to Knapps while the women remained in the town for some wine tasting which was helpful for me in selecting a bottle to give Jeannette, my daughter-in-law, for her birthday this coming week end.  We had an enjoyable evening with a fondue dinner at the Knapps; it was the perfect end of another fun day.

May 4:  This morning we checked out of the B&B and headed to Folsom, CA. to visit son and daughter-in-law, Allan and Jeannette.    I thought I would show a picture of the B&B before detailing the rest of today; if you ever want a place to stay outside Westport, CA. this B&B was delightful.

Howard Creek Ranch B&B

Howard Creek Ranch B&B

The journey to Folsom was uneventful but we did get to see some of the countryside; I did not realize rice was produced in CA. until I saw the rice fields on our way south.  We drove to Old Sacramento where we did some shopping and walking; we arrived in Folsom around 5:30.  The guest apartment had been rented so the Nelsons/Knapps stayed there while Fosters/myself stayed in Allan and Jeannette’s apartment; they stayed with some friends in the same complex.  After an evening of drinking and eating pizza, everyone headed to bed; Yosemite is on the schedule for tomorrow.

May 5:   Today we gathered in the guest apartment for coffee; after some discussion, it was determined we would drive to Placerville and Mel’s Diner for breakfast.  After that, everyone was on their own with all of us meeting up at Tenaya Lodge later in the day.  On the way to the lodge, we stopped @ Angel Camp which claims to be the leaping frog capital of the world; since I have a brother nicknamed Frog, I wanted to purchase some unusual frog item for him.  Fosters and Knapps also stopped so we have some libations and looked in a few of the stores.

A neat place!

A neat place!

On our way again, we kept going until we arrived at Tenaya Lodge around 4:00 pm.  While the three couples had rooms at the lodge Allan, Jeannette, and I rented a cottage.   Everyone gathered at the cottage for drinks and we ate dinner at the lodge.   The three of us decided to get up early the next day for a good start into Yosemite and let the others be on their own.

May 6:  We were up and on the road by 7:00 a.m.  Our plan was to have breakfast at a lodge inside Yosemite but we were too early so we drove on.  Even though it was an overcast, misty day we still had some great views of waterfalls, rock structures, lakes, and streams.  The first awesome view was going thru the tunnel for the valley view of El Capitan, Half Dome, Bridalveil Falls, Yosemite Falls, and Vernal Falls.

Valley View

Valley View

We were able to walk close to Bridalveil Falls, Yosemite Falls, and Vernal Falls.  The day involved lots of walking with my meter saying we had hiked 8.5 miles by 3:00 p.m.

Bridalveil Falls

Bridalveil Falls

Jeannette and Allan

Jeannette and Allan








Upper and lower Yosemite Falls

Upper and lower Yosemite Falls

Vernal Falls

Vernal Falls





Got any food?

Got any food?

We met up with the others at Curry Village; Jeannette and Allan decided to go on a Bear Walk while the rest of us warmed up in front of the lodge fireplace with drinks.  That evening it rain quite hard but it did not matter; we all gathered in one of the lodge rooms and had dinner in the dining room.  This would be our last evening together with the three couples heading out in the morning going to their respective destinations.

Hail, hail the gang's all here...except Allan

Hail, hail the gang’s all here…except Allan

May 7:  We got up good time this morning; once we checked out, we headed to Oakhurst for gas and breakfast.  Our plans were to travel Glacier Point Road but it was closed due to snow the night before so we kept to the low road.  The first stop was a visit to Mariposa Grove which has giant sequoias; we had a delightful walk through the grove.

Am I big?

Am I big?

Look at those roots!

Look at those roots!









We took a different route  out of the park than when we came in; this route also had many waterfalls and we did get to see a bear!

How did I got by the highway?

How did I got by the highway?

Beautiful scenery

Beautiful scenery







Once out of the park, we ate lunch at the Willow Steak House in Jamestown, CA.  We arrived in Folsom around 4:0o pm.  It was a quiet evening with my settling into the guest apartment, having dinner at Jeannette’s and Allan’s,  and returning to the apartment around 9:30.  Tomorrow we plan on some wine tasting.

May 8:  Got up good time this morning and took a walk on the bike/walk path that runs by the apartment complex; a very good, scenic path.

Bridge crossing creek on walking trail

Bridge crossing creek on walking trail

Jeannette woke up with some back problems so our wine tour was delayed until later in the morning.    After packing some food for a picnic, we were on the road heading to the wineries in the Apple Hill region; they have around 12 wineries along the road that we were traveling so we did not have any shortage of stops.  First stop was Boeger Winery where I ordered a bottle to be sent to my friend in Florida, Mike.  Next we went to Lava Cap; we had a picnic and I ordered a couple bottles to be taken home.

Wine tasting with a couple of my favorite people

Wine tasting with a couple of my favorite people

After 2 wineries, we decided we had enough  and drove back to Flossom where I took a nap.  That evening we had dinner at Fat’s Asia Bistro which had very good Chinese food.  After dinner, we went to See’s Candies so I could purchase chocolates for my house sitter and her family.  Another good day and evening; it has been  so much fun to have time with Allan and Jeannette who have done a great job of showing me the local sights.

May 9:  This morning we went to the Negro Bar Recreation Area located in Folsom.  The area has a very nice bike trail with Lake Natoma surrounding it.

Rock climbing at Negro Bar

Rock climbing at Negro Bar

Quiet, peaceful setting

Quiet, peaceful setting








After leaving the recreation area, we visited historic downtown Folsom where there was a park which displayed old time relics and it was interesting to read and see how folks lived in the much distant past.  The area also had some great shops where I was able to pick up a new wallet plus a hat for one of my friends.  We ate lunch at Samuel Hornes Tavern.   After lunch, we went to the Gekkeikan Sake House where we went on a self tour and participated in a sake tasting.  Since this was the first time I had tasted sake, it was an experience but not sure one I would try again.

Koi in the pond at sake house

Koi in the pond at sake house

Area outside of Gekkeikan Sake House

Area outside of Gekkeikan Sake House








That evening we had dinner at a local mexican restaurant.  Allan and Jeannette joined me for a night cap on the patio of the guest apartment.

May 10:   This morning we took a very pleasant country drive to Amador Flower Farm and Nursery located at Plymouth, CA.  The farm covers over 14 acres with 4 acres designed to showcase their award winning daylilies of which there are over 1000 variations.

One of many fields of plants

One of many fields of plants

Colorful lily

Colorful lily





The farm had flowers besides daylilies

The farm had more than lilies

Nice and bright yellow

Nice and bright yellow










There was a nice picnic area on the farm so, since we had packed our lunch, we had a delightful meal under a big shade tree along a stream.  When we departed the flower farm, we came upon Bray Winery on our way back to Folsom so we HAD to stop for some wine tasting; I purchased a couple bottles of  wine to be sent to  friends.

A neat sign!

A neat sign!

In the  evening I fixed beef roast, carrots, onions, and dumplings for Jeannette and Allan.  While the meal cooked, I completed my packing for tomorrow’s departure to home.

May 11:  Up very early for ride to the airport; it was a very uneventful journey home and it was good to see my friends, Mary and Joe, at the airport to greet me.

This was a very wonderful vacation with great interaction with friends and family.  The time passed quite quickly because there always was something to do.  But, like all time away, it is always good to get back home to Beauty, Cutie, and normal routine.

On My Way to Sunny Florida 2013

My sister and I decided to visit my brother and his wife who live six months of the year outside of Arcadia, FL.   A good friend of mine, Mary R., decided to travel with us so she could visit her parents in Port Charlotte, FL.  I am just going to give the highlights of each day.

January 25:  Long travel day because of taking a ‘not so direct’ route from Orlando to Port Charlotte; I will find a shorter route upon our return.   We delivered Mary to her parents and journeyed to Punta Gorda where we checked into the Four Points by Sheraton, our hotel for the week.   Bob, Edith, and I went to dinner @ The Oyster Bar in Fisherman’s Village (within Punta Gorda).  Tomorrow we are going to going exploring.

January 26:  Bob, Linda, Edith, and I went to an RV show during the morning and explored the flea market at Ft. Myers  in the afternoon.  In the evening, we had drinks on Bob’s patio and dinner at El Pirata Mexican Restaurant in Arcadia which had very good food.  We drove back to the hotel around 9:00 pm.

January 27:  Bob, Edith, and I walked the park in Arcadia this morning.  All four of us went for a tour with Babcock Wilderness Adventures outside of Punta Gorda.  This is 91,000 acres of farmland;  we saw all the different environments and lots of animals.  We started with the cattle and ranch horses and moved on to the wild turtle, turkey, deer and herons before several pools with a huge number of alligators.   Great tour with an excellent guide who had a wealth of knowledge.

Friendly Alligator

Friendly Alligator

Look at those horns!

Look at those horns!






Beautiful water creatures

Beautiful water creatures

Are we having fun yet?

Are we having fun yet?









We had a late lunch at Beef O’Brady’s so we made it back to our hotel in time to watch the sunset.



Gorgeous Sunset

Gorgeous Sunset








January 28: We got up early for a nature cruise to Pine Island; Bob did not go with us.  The lunch was excellent but we did not have enough time to eat and explore before we had to board our boat.  Edith got notified by the animal shelter in Las Cruces, NM that her ‘Mama’ cat (who got lost early December) had been found so she spent time trying to make arrangements to bring Mama home.  We had dinner at Bull’s Eye BBQ in Arcadia.  It seems like we have been on the go since we arrived so the decision was made not to go shopping in Sarasota the next day.

January 29:   After taking a walk, Edith decided to rent a car and go to New Mexico in order to retrieve Mama; she left around 2:30 pm.  I walked to Fisherman’s Village (about 1.5 miles) from the hotel; went through the shops but did not see anything worth having.  Linda & Bob came in for dinner; we ate at Whiskey Creek.  Tomorrow we are traveling to the Atlantic Ocean.

January 30:  On the way to see the Atlantic Ocean, we stopped and looked at campers.  It was great to view the ocean; we walked along the beach and had fun watching Charlie (Bob/Linda’s dog) swim in the water.

Walking the beach

Walking the beach


Charlie likes the water!

Charlie likes the water!








We ate at Lunker’s Sports Bar on our way back; it was very late by the time I got back to the hotel but did take the time to pack for my departure the next day.

January 31 and February 1:  After checking out of the hotel, I met Mary plus her mother and sister for breakfast @ Perkins.  After saying our good byes, we headed to Bobs’ where we printed out our boarding passes.  Then we were on our way…heading to Orlando for an overnight stay @ Howard Johnson’s.  It was an early night since we had to get up early the next morning.  We were on the road to the airport by 5:30 AM.  After returning the rental car and getting our bags checked, we ate breakfast.  Got into Cedar Rapids by 10:00 AM and Joe, Mary’s husband, met us.   Beauty and Cutie, along with myself, were glad I was home!  Another good trip with great weather, lots of nice walks, and wonderful company.

Holidays in Tucson, AZ (Part 3)

December 29:  Today we are driving to Silver City which is an historic town about 2 hours from Las Cruces.  On our way, we stopped at City of Rocks State Park.  The rocks forming the city were produced by a large volcanic eruption 34.9 million years ago.  It was an awesome sight!

City of Rocks

City of Rocks

When we got to Silver City, we discovered many of the stores were closed; must be ‘slow’ season.  After lunch and more disappointment, we decided to find the museum in Deming where Brian wanted to see the ‘silver sprike’; this sprike signified the meeting of two railroads.  Once we found the museum, we had 12 minutes to find it before the museum closed for the day which we did.  Tomorrow we are heading north.

December 30:  After checking out of the hotel, we headed to Alamogordo and the White Sands National Monument.  This is another place I have been to a few times before but it is always enjoyable driving through.

White Sands Monument

White Sands Monument

After lunch, we continued north toward Three Rivers Petroglyphs where there are over 21,000 of them; another enjoyable walk on a great trail.

One of many petroglyphs

One of many petroglyphs

It was time to say good bye to Edith; she was heading back to Las Cruces while Brian and I were continuing north to Iowa and home.  We drove to Tucumcari, New Mexico and stopped for the night.

December 31 and January 1:  Left New Mexico on very icy roads.  Stopped at Hooker, OK for some t-shirts.  The roads improved as we neared Kansas.  We spent New Year’s Eve in Empora, Kansas at a Comfort Inn.    January 1 saw us on the road quite early and we arrived at my home shortly after noon.  It was good to see Beauty and Cutie!  Overall, it was a great trip; Greta and Steev were quite gracious and they made my first Christmas without Tom quite special.  And I was certainly glad Brian traveled with me in both directions; he did a great job driving in difficult conditions.  And, as always, it was great to be able to spend time with my lovely sister.  But it is great to be home!





Holidays in Tucson (Part 2)

December 24:  Had a fun day!  After taking a walk and doing some additional shopping for the stockings, we headed to Tubac, AZ for lunch and more shopping.  Tubac had a great shopping area!  Went to Tumacacori Mission which we explored and took lots of pictures.  Volunteers were putting out luminarias all over the Mission grounds and buildings; they were going to light them at 6:00 which made us wish we would of come later in the day.  Greta made a Christmas Eve meal of tamales, beans, and salad; it was excellent!  The only thing which would of made the day more perfect was if Tom could of been here.

Tumacacori Mission

Tumacacori Mission

Greta and Steev at mission

Greta and Steev at mission







December 25: This is the first Christmas in 38 years that Tom was not with me to celebrate; I am very thankful that Steev and Greta have a busy day planned.  After opening presents, lunches were packed for a picnic and we headed to Arizona Desert Museum; even though I have been there before, this is always an enjoyable adventure and a wonderful way to spend the day.  It was interesting to discover many people there even though it was Christmas Day.  When we returned to Tucson, Greta’s sister and her family joined us for an evening meal.

Resting in the Afternoon

Resting in the Afternoon

Arizona Desert Museum

Arizona Desert Museum







December 26 and 27:  The day of the 26th was spent shopping, eating, and reading.  In the evening, Steev and I went to Winterhaven’s Festival of Lights; it is a neighborhood where everyone puts up light displays outside their homes.  It was like walking into Winter Wonderland; some very beautiful displays.  The only regret was we did not have enough time to see everything.  On the 27th, I was departing Tucson and heading to Las Cruces, NM to spend time with my sister.  After having breakfast at Mother Hubbard, good byes were said and I headed out.  Arrived in Las Cruces mid-afternoon; checked into the motel, called Brian (who was staying at the same motel), we gathered in one room until Edith arrived and we departed for dinner at a Mexican restaurant.

December 28:  While Edith slept because of the working the night before, Brian and I decided to do some exploring.  We went to the New Mexico Farm & Ranch Heritage Museum which covers 47 acres; they have done a very good job of preserving the history of New Mexico’s agricultural development.

This little guy liked the rafters in the museum

This little guy liked the rafters in the museum

After lunch, we went to Mesilla within Las Cruces; it was a major trade center and stopover for anyone traveling between San Antonio and the west coast during the 1800’s.  It now is a shopping destination for tourists.  The Basilica of San Albino (part of Mesilla) is a beautiful church where, upon entering, caps or hats must be removed.  That evening we had pizza delivered and watched football.


Holidays in Tucson, AZ. (Part 1)

This past holiday season my nephew, Brian, and I traveled to the southwest for the holidays; Brian to Las Cruces, NM while I headed to Tucson, AZ to spend time with Steev, Greta, and their dog Josie.  Since this blog is new to me, I am going to attempt to provide a daily accounting of activities.

December 19 & 20:  The weather forecast was not looking good; winter storm warning for Kansas, Missouri, and Iowa.  We decided to leave home early with encountering some heavy ‘slush’ around the Missouri border and sleet around Kansas City.  Brian has been doing the driving with makes me thankful!  We spent the night at Comfort Inn in Lenexa, Kansas.  I am hoping Beauty and Cutie are doing okay in their new home (my bedroom) for the next few weeks.  We left on the 20th with 3″ of snow on the ground and ice underneath so very slow going for the first few hours.  Stopped for the night at Best Western in Guymon, OK.

December 21:  We arrived at Socorro, NM shortly afternoon; this is where my sister, Edith, was meeting up with Brian.  After Edith arrived, we went to the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge; it was a great place with fox, cranes, owls, hawks, geese, ducks.  At sunset, we watched flocks of fowl settle in for the night; it was quite a sight!

Edith and Brian in happy mode

Edith and Brian in happy mode

Sun is going down

Sun is going down

December 22 and 23:  On the 22nd, Edith and Brian headed to Las Cruces while  I went to Tucson where Steev, Greta, and Josie greeted me with open arms and egg plant sandwiches.  Check in at the Best Western Royal Sun resulted in an upgrade to a suite which was very nice.  Went to Old Town Artisans for a couple short sleeve t-shirts because weather much warmer than I thought.  December 23rd was Steev’s 44th birthday and I am very anxious for him to open my present of a quilt made out of his father’s t-shirts.    After a long walk, he did open his presents and liked the quilt!  Went to brunch and then Steev/I went to the “Hobbit”;  three hours of  action.  That evening, after delicious soup/salad fixed by Greta, friends of Steev’s came over for cake/ice cream.  A very enjoyable day and evening.

Steev's birthday party

Steev’s birthday party

Steev's birthday quilt

Steev’s birthday quilt